There is always a big build up to Yule and Christmas, a lot of running around getting things ready, lots of stress and usually lots of money spent. And then it seems that it is over and done in a flash and all you are left with is a few half eaten boxes of chocolates and an empty bank balance. This time of year is depressing for most.
But I love the time between Christmas and New Year, the world seems to stand still just like the sun did at the Solstice, almost in a state of suspension ... holding its breath. It's a time out of time and very magical. Yes I am back to work but it is quiet (for a change). I'm able to do things at a leisurely pace at least until the world starts turning again.
The time between Christmas and New Year should be like this, we need this quiet time to recharge our batteries, to reflect, to make cunning plans (as I know Rachel has been doing) So I am grabbing this time with both hands and doing things I want to do. I actually finished reading my book the other day, one I have been reading each night and but barely getting through a page before falling asleep (and that wasn't because the book was boring by the way)
This morning I witnessed a beautiful sun rise above my frost kissed garden and took a moment or maybe two to watch the birds feasting on the treats I'd left out for them.
Beautiful 😊 and you are so right, the run up to all the festivities is busy and manic and then the slump, but its then time to recuperate and regenerate and enjoy the newness of new beginnings in a magical wintry way.