I've spent most of the afternoon out in the garden. I've cleared away a lot of spring flowers that have finished blooming and I've planted some shrubs.
As I was working I was suddenly aware of silence. Before all the birds were singing, there was the odd car driving by and the chatter of people in neighbouring gardens. But there was silence.
It was like nature was holding its breath or at least having a siesta. A red kite glided soundless across the sky. And I enjoyed the moment, relishing the opportunity to be held in this pause ... to just be.
Then a dog barked and the world came back to life, but I'm left with the reminder that sometimes you need to stop and smell the roses ... well tulips today as my roses aren't in bloom yet ;-)
Lovely tulips and a lovely moment for you. Up here our daffodils and tulips are only just beginning to bloom. It has been sunny today but cold still. xx
ReplyDeleteSounds peaceful and magickal - enjoy! Hope the sun continues to shine this week!