Tuesday, 15 April 2014

Stop and smell the tulips

I've spent most of the afternoon out in the garden.  I've cleared away a lot of spring flowers that have finished blooming and I've planted some shrubs.

As I was working I was suddenly aware of silence.  Before all the birds were singing, there was the odd car driving by and the chatter of people in neighbouring gardens.  But there was silence. 

It was like nature was holding its breath or at least having a siesta.  A red kite glided soundless across the sky.   And I enjoyed the moment, relishing the opportunity to be held in this pause ... to just be. 

Then a dog barked and the world came back to life, but I'm left with the reminder that sometimes you need to stop and smell the roses ... well tulips today as my roses aren't in bloom yet ;-)

Monday, 7 April 2014

Feel the fear and do it anyway

I'm usually quite a shy person,  letting fear of what people think of me hold me back.  Always thinking I could never do that ... not me. 

But since finding my path as a Witch I have really come out of my shell.  I write rituals, workshops and even speak in public ... willingly.    Something I would never have done before.  Of course Rachel, my partner in crime does have a hand in that, usually giving me a good 'ole shove to push me outside my comfort zone ;-)

This weekend saw me taking it a step further as I attended a Shamanic workshop with the awesome Rich Lister.   We spent the morning journeying with spirit animals, learning Apache smudging rituals, sitting on reindeer skins and eating cake.

Then Rich dropped the bombshell that we would be finishing the workshop by doing an Airwolf ritual.  I thought he was talking about a TV show ... but no.  What he wanted us to do was break an arrow with our throats!  Yeah, right was my immediate thought.   But he was deadly serious *eek*

We started taking it in turns to break our arrows, moving around in the circle, we were all beating our drums to build up the energy and atmosphere.   As it became close to my turn I was fighting the urge to run away. But I thought I would only regret it if I didn't try, right? So I buried my fear and I went for it.  After two attempts I DID IT!!!  I'm really proud of my new warrior self and feel ready to take on anything.  Thank you to Rich for giving me this gift :-)

I highly recommend Rich's workshops and drum birthing days for info can be found on his website www.theherosoul.com